Editing a document
Joanna Kuortti avatar
Written by Joanna Kuortti
Updated over a week ago

The documents saved in the archive are divided in three different modes:

  • Completed

  • Draft

  • Waiting for signatures

A) Completed documents:

If the icon to the left of the archived document is dark green it means that the document is completed. The completed document can no longer be edited but you can use the duplicate function to automatically copy the contents of the completed document and use it as ground for the new document.

B) Drafts:

If the icon to the left of the document is gray, the document is not yet completed and saved as a draft. You can edit the draft by clicking the three dots and choosing "Edit".

C) Waiting for signatures:

If the document icon is yellow, then it means that the document is still missing at least one signature.

If you edit a document awaiting signatures, all completed signatures will be deleted and the signinvites will expire. Please note that signinvites must be re-sent to the parties after the document has been edited.

You can edit a document by clicking it, and choosing "return to edit" from the view that opens.

Note: If you want to make changes to the document that aren't possible within the template, you can either use our Editor-tool or convert the whole document to Microsoft Word. Note that the Word-converter is only included with the premium package.

Both the Editor-tool and the Word-converter can be found inside the document in the upper right corner under "More"

Note: Do all other changes to the document before using the Editor-tool, because the tool locks the template settings when used, and they can't be changed without removing the changes made in the Editor.

If you can't find your document, make sure you're on the workspace used to create the document. Instructions about how to switch workspaces.

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